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Buy LIC Housing Finance Ltd., target Rs 615.0 : Ashish Kyal

The Economic Times

Ashish Kyal of Waves Strategy Advisors has Buy call on LIC Housing Finance Ltd.BSE 3.63 % with a target price of Rs 615.0. The current market price of LIC Housing Finance Ltd. is 577.8. Time period given by analyst is Intra Day, when LIC Housing Finance Ltd. price can reach defined target. Ashish Kyal recommended to keep stop loss at Rs 555.0.

Ashish Kyal of Waves Strategy Advisors has Buy call on LIC Housing Finance Ltd.BSE 3.63 % with a target price of Rs 615.0. The current market price of LIC Housing Finance Ltd. is 577.8. Time period given by analyst is Intra Day, when LIC Housing Finance Ltd. price can reach defined target. Ashish Kyal recommended to keep stop loss at Rs 555.0. 

Keywords: LIC Housing Finance Ltd

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